Balla Gergely (10.12)
Johnny K. Palmer (10.19.)
Maria Broberg (11.03)
Diaz (11.23.)
Péter Müller Sziámi (HU): Basic songwriting scenarios
1st Floor HallIn his interactive lecture, Péter Müller will look at the basic scenarios in songwriting: what it is like when music is written to lyrics, and vice versa. Beyond the technical...
György Hegyi (HU): Song and Mind | masterclass
1st Floor RoomWhile we hunt for rhymes and “hooks” as lyricists, we never ask ourselves a few basic questions. What is a song? Where does it come from and how does it...
Saya Noé (HU, MY) & Ian O’Sullivan (IRL, HU): Lyric-writing in first and second language: dilemmas of self-expression
Groundfloor HallSaya Noé grew up abroad but in a Hungarian family and uses English as her mother tongue. Ian O'Sullivan is of Irish origin and lives in Hungary but also writes...
Johnny K. Palmer (HU, AT): Hands-on Toplining Workshop
Groundfloor HallMusical genres like gospel, rock’n’roll, r&b/soul, country, blues, rap, swing and jazz were all born in and conquered the world from the USA and the UK. As a result today...
Péter Benjamin Tóth (Artisjus, HU): Lyrics and copyright
1st Floor HallThis program will be in Hungarian | A program nyelve: magyar
Mátyás Szepesi (HU): Chicken or egg – music or lyrics comes first when writing?
1st Floor HallThis program will be in Hungarian | A program nyelve: magyar What makes lyrics and music inseparable in a hit? Why isn’t it enough to just write poems that can...